Artist Andrey Khasanov


Andrey Khasanov was born in Petropavlovsk, North Kazakhstan.

After leaving school in 1980, he entered the art faculty of the Omsk pedagogical Institute. It ends in 1985. Diploma work – a series of landscapes done with pastels, some of which were shown at the all-Union exhibition of diploma works of students of hudgrafa in Moscow. After service in army worked as a teacher in the Peter and Paul children's art school. At the same time starting an active creative and exhibition activities. Involved in many regional, Republican exhibitions, taking part in all-Union exhibition of watercolors in Moscow.

In 1992, joined the Union of artists. Since the early 90-ies of A. Khasanov pays more attention to quality content works. Hard work on "non-linear" imagery in the paintings. Complicated composite solutions, enhancing the dynamism of the plastic builds. Color complicates the work, making the colors more deep, working on the subtle shades and nuances of color. Here grinds and brings in new quality pattern and technique in General, achieving high "perceptions" of paintings, the plasticity of forms, filigree subtlety and grace.

and I Wonder is that the work of Andrei Khasanov organically develops in two main directions.

  • First, deeply realistic – mainly landscape, painted in oil very accurately. The physicality of depth and space in the landscape compelling to tangibility. No conventions and nedorabotannost. The composition and depth of the images are of nature – in the best traditions of Russian landscape school.
  • the Second direction konstruktivnye and mnohosmyslov, unexpectedly twisted of form and space with varying degrees of conditionality. Often with elements of the figurative, recognizable images, symbols or "shaped associativity". And sometimes it's just a plastic abstraction (very lively and dynamic, complex in form and color) down to irrelevance. In these works, the artist aims or Express certain feeling-state or to pass through the plastic and colors their impression of some phenomenon or action.

But, as a rule, A. Khasanov combines in a fantastic way, both real and unreal, known and abstract, concrete form and vanishing illusions and fleeting visions. The artist creates a second convoluted reality, sometimes in contact with the true, and sometimes completely separated from it. It's like barely half-closed door into a different semantic space in which everyone can find something consonant to their feelings, feelings, impressions.

Such works as would reveal to the audience the strangeness of this world, leaving everyone the opportunity to invent, to build imagery and visuals, to designate the ownership in the main or detail. They, of course, stimulate the visual imagination. This work is deep and layered and associative for the author and for the viewer. Sometimes even a small fragment can cause a number of diverse, even contradictory, associations and impressions. They are not straight neither in form nor in content, often shaped to the metaphor. They have depth, there is a subtext, innuendo and often a dramatic. Something unites these transformations on plane with dreams and twisted fantasies. (This is partly in some way brings together figurative and compositional A. Khasanova with surrealism, but only indirectly). Such works are always interesting, they capture the viewer. This affair, a kind of coded dialogue between the artist and the viewer. Everyone finds something of their own. And it is interesting to contemplate as a whole, appeals to what, in fact, the painting as such. But even more interesting and exciting then to consider them in detail and finer nuances of shape and color. That the finest microstructure, which is not less important and interesting in itself that is the prerogative of the graphics. It is noteworthy that in the works A. Khasanova combines these two approaches – paintings and graphic tools and techniques. But one in no way contradicts the other. This only underscores and intensifies the rhythm in the composition. And author of uninhibited and free to Express in this way their visual images. He is interested in such works nastorozhenno improvisation; the fact that there is a creative process, in which a composite position entails the other. This allows for a new approach to form and space and their expression on the plane. Unusual transformation of our habitual representations about essence of things and phenomena, curled into a tight plexus plastic structures at the subconscious level. This analysis and synthesis of the shape at the same time, disturbing the flow from one state to another. A romantic psychodelism. And with all this – it's a rush to the deep plastic the fundamentals of art.

However, the artist A. Khasanov not intend to stop there. He is constantly in creative search. He was not satisfied with the work done, and he's sarcastic attitude towards them. The frustration inherent in everything and does not leave him and in the works, forcing to look for new solutions to artistic problems and to improve their skills. However, it seems that already created works will not leave the viewer indifferent, for they are certainly interesting, professional and sincere.

Arthur katsenelenbogen art.
Omsk magazine "City", April-may 2001